Modern Slavery Act

1. Purpose

This policy outlines our commitment to upholding fundamental human rights,
eradicating modern slavery, and fostering a safe and inclusive workplace that is free
from all forms of harassment. We are dedicated to maintaining ethical business
practices and treating all individuals with respect and dignity.

2. Human Rights

We recognise and respect the inherent dignity and equal rights of all individuals, as
outlined in international human rights standards. We are committed to ensuring that
our business operations, products, and services uphold these rights, regardless of race,
colour, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or other protected

3. Modern Slavery

We strongly condemn all forms of modern slavery, including forced labour, child
labour, human trafficking, and other exploitative practices. We are committed to
conducting due diligence within our supply chain to identify and eliminate any
instances of modern slavery. We expect our suppliers, contractors, and business
partners to adhere to the same principles and hold themselves accountable to
eradicating modern slavery from their operations.

4. Harassment

We maintain a zero-tolerance stance towards all forms of harassment, including but
not limited to sexual harassment, verbal abuse, bullying, discrimination, and
retaliation. Our aim is to provide a safe and respectful environment for all employees,
customers, partners, and stakeholders. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated
and will be met with appropriate disciplinary actions, up to and including termination
of employment or business relationships.

5. Responsibilities

Management: Our leadership is responsible for ensuring the implementation,
communication, and enforcement of this policy across all levels of the organisation.

They are also accountable for fostering a culture of inclusion and for promptly
addressing any concerns related to human rights violations, modern slavery, or

Employees: All employees are expected to treat each other with respect, maintain a
harassment-free environment, and report any observed or experienced incidents of
harassment or human rights violations promptly. Employees are also encouraged to
raise concerns about potential instances of modern slavery within the supply chain.

6. Reporting Mechanisms

We provide multiple channels for reporting human rights violations, modern slavery
concerns, and harassment incidents. Employees, customers, partners, and
stakeholders can use these channels to report anonymously if desired. Reports will be
thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken to address the situation.

7. Non-Retaliation

We strictly prohibit any form of retaliation against individuals who report concerns in
good faith. Anyone who reports a violation or raises a concern will be protected from
any adverse actions.

8. Training and Awareness

We are committed to providing training and resources to employees and relevant
stakeholders to raise awareness about human rights, modern slavery, and harassment.
Regular training sessions will be conducted to ensure everyone understands their
rights and responsibilities under this policy.

9. Compliance and Review

This policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with
evolving legal and societal standards. We are committed to complying with all
applicable laws and regulations related to human rights, modern slavery, and

10. Conclusion

By adhering to this policy, we reinforce our commitment to promoting human rights,
eradicating modern slavery, and maintaining a workplace that is safe, respectful, and
free from harassment. We believe that every individual has the right to be treated with
dignity and respect, and we are dedicated to upholding these principles throughout our